Happy Veteran’s Day

November 11th this year is Veteran’s Day. Our school is honor it as a holiday and we have no classes, but in the days leading up to the holiday we spent some time talking about just what it meant. 

Native American Heritage Month: Unit Plan

November is Native American Heritage Month and with Thanksgiving, as well as all the news stories about the pipeline protests, it’s more important than ever to include it in your classroom. This unit uses news articles, podcasts, music, and even an MTV broadcast to help discuss issues that are facing the Native American communities, while portraying them in a…

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Dia de los Muertos: The Day of the Dead

Just because Hispanic Heritage Month is coming to an end, doesn’t mean you have to cease all cultural education in your classroom. Take a break from the Halloween lessons this October and incorporate some cultural curriculum by discussing the amazing holiday of Dia de los Muertos, or The Day of the Dead

This is Halloween!

One of the best parts about being a teacher is you never really have to let go of your favorite holidays. Every parent knows how magical this time is for their kid, and every teacher has 30+ kids in their room. There are so many fun ways to work this engaging holiday into your lessons,…

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FREE LESSON: Autumn Bingo

It’s Autumn, we can hear the school bell ring, geese flying south, and the leaves crunching under our feet. Put your students ears to the test with this fun listening active that’s great for grades K-2nd. It has students discussing the Autumn sounds they hear in the lives and then listening to them w/ 4…

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Down on the Farm: Bingo the Dog

One of my favorite units to teach; the farm is an engaging and familiar place for all learners. Students love singing, learning, and sharing about some of their favorite animals. With tons of materials available it can be hard to narrow it down, here are some of my favorite activities.

Down on the Farm: Old Mac Donald

One of my favorite units to teach; the farm is an engaging and familiar place for all learners. Students love singing, learning, and sharing about some of their favorite animals. With tons of materials available it can be hard to narrow it down, here are some of my favorite activities.

Lego Rhythms Unit

EVERYTHING IS AWESOME when you use Legos in the classroom! This engaging and enlightening unit introduces and covers a wide range of topics from loops and ostinatos to rhythm and composition.

Donor’s Choose: Everyday Tech Needs

Getting a head start on the 2016-17 school year, I posted a Donor’s Choose. Please help support some basic technology needs for my classroom.

FREE LESSON: Summer Bingo

Summer is starting to heat up outside, so let’s put on our listening ears and see what we can hear with Summer Bingo! Even if we can’t go outside we can still listen for sounds of the beach and bugs and more!

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