It’s not just Enrichment, it’s Essential. 

Schools are bolstering their education programs to address what is being called “learning loss”, but the longer school years and high-dosage tutoring are missing the point. Sometimes it feels like we’re only treating the symptoms of  “learning loss” but not addressing the cause. I think a holistic arts education for each individual learner is needed…

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A&GC: Week 2 – Bursting Stereotypes

Part blog post, part field notes. This post is part of a series of reflections on a 10-week elective I’m both teaching and conducting active research on. Entitled” The Arts as a Path to Global Citizenship” our goal is to explore our roles as global citizens using the arts to approach complicated and difficult topics, such…

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Empathy through Music: Listening Activity

Here are 10 short musical clips. Listen to think and think about what the composer might have been feeling when they wrote it. Can you empathize with their emotions by listening to their music?

Why a Global Curriculum Matters

“Teaching children about global issues and encouraging them to see the world through the eyes of another is of huge importance”, according to Campbell and a growing movement of internationally-minded educators. In an increasingly interconnected world, today’s young generation need to learn be able to engage in communication with people from a wide range of different…

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