Donor’s Choose: Everyday Tech Needs

Getting a head start on the 2016-17 school year, I posted a Donor’s Choose. Please help support some basic technology needs for my classroom.

FREE LESSON: Summer Bingo

Summer is starting to heat up outside, so let’s put on our listening ears and see what we can hear with Summer Bingo! Even if we can’t go outside we can still listen for sounds of the beach and bugs and more!

Five Pretty Flowers : An Introduction Activity

I’ve done a lot of lessons on flowers and spring time, and this was a perfect introduction activity to those larger more in-depth lessons. A short 30 minute lesson, that involves, coloring, singing, and sharing!

May Flowers

April showers bring May flowers, and with that come opportunities to integrate the science of plants into your classroom! In the K-2 curriculum maps, this short lesson is the perfect intro to a unit on the parts of a plant.


The Listening Walk : Spring Sounds

Spring has Sprung! Put on your shoes and coat and get outside. With the help of Paul Showers’ book, “The Listening Walk” we explored not only our five senses but the world around us too! A great lesson for spring time, or science integration! 

Spring Rains

Now that it’s Spring its only a matter of time before we have our share of rainy days. Makes the most of them with this fun classroom game: The Human Rainstorm!

FREE LESSON: Spring Bingo

Spring has sprung, and let’s put on our listening ears and see what we can hear! A great listening game for grades K-2 has students discussing the sounds heard in Spring time and then listening to them w/ 8 different tic-tac-toe bingo boards.

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