Spring Rains

Now that it’s Spring its only a matter of time before we have our share of rainy days. Makes the most of them with this fun classroom game: The Human Rainstorm!

FREE LESSON: Spring Bingo

Spring has sprung, and let’s put on our listening ears and see what we can hear! A great listening game for grades K-2 has students discussing the sounds heard in Spring time and then listening to them w/ 8 different tic-tac-toe bingo boards.


Intro & Intent

My goal is to have music be a part of every child’s life. Research shows the benefits of music integration on learning across every subject and grade level. Use this blog as a resource to help you start integrating music today!


About Me:

My name is Frank Cademartori and I consider myself an educator first and music teacher second. I think most teachers would agree with this sentiment since we don’t get involved in this field for the love of subject material, but rather the love of learning. 

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